Justin King’s JOCK Shop Lube Review

When we were looking to put together a review of some new and old lubes we had in stock we knew just the man for the job. Porn Star and masseur Justin King

With over 10 years experience in the adult entertainment industry Justin turned out to be the perfect pick. We had him check out a water based, silicone, hybrid, warming and jelly lube on an unsuspecting victim. Check out what he had to say about the results below…..


ASTROGLIDE (silicone premium)

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I have used the original Astro Glide before and have always liked it but recently a friend introduced me to the silicon version. This stuff has changed my life, well sex life that is, it makes it so much easier to ‘glide on in’  and pump away sending you to astronomical heights! It feels so much better than the original and you don’t have to use as much either, so it lasts a lot longer too. Wish i had found this lube earlier, but at least now I can have some fun making up for lost time!     

STIMUL8 S8 (warming)


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  ***It pretty much does what it claims to do. Stays very slippery for a long time, a little goes a long way and the effects last for a longtime so the bottleË¡ should last you much longer than most other brands. As for the warming sensation, it seems to warm upon initial use, but the sensation doesn’t last very long and actually gets cold quite quickly the more you use, found that if you keep it in a cup of hot bottle when using though it really brings the warming effect up a notch and delivers more of what it says it will do in the description.

SPUNK (hydrid)


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 Was my first time using this product and honestly there was somr really great things about this lube:Lube was really smooth, no slimy/sticky effects which was really easy to clean and wash off toys, didn’t stain any bed sheets or leave marks. Great feel, great value, didnt smell or taste bad, most of all pure pleasure.However I was really frustrated that the product is not a nice white like i have seen advertised in all of Spunks promotion, the colour Is a transparent colour like any other normal lube and i think the main reason people buy this lube is the fact it states it looks like the real thing: and it does not. For this reason i would not buy again.  

SWISS NAVY (slip and slide)


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After using many of Swiss Navy’s products in rhe past I decided to give this one a go and I couldn’t be more satisfied! There is absolutely no need to reapply which is a huge plus as i nornally get through a whole bottle in less than a week. The consistency is superb and a big bonus it that it works great for massages as well. A silky smooth feeling that makes sex fun and easy (and perfect for those times you just want to be a bit lazy and let the lube do the humping action for you)  There is no going back for me now, can’t wait for my next adventure down the slide!



LUB (water based)


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 *****I can’t believe nobody has written a review for this amazing product yet. Me and my partner have gone through so many different types of lubes and nothing can compare to the feel and sensation of what this has! It’s super slippy and can glide over and through anything, perfect for all types of fun whether your playing on your own or having a long intense session! No taste and no smell, amazing product and will be definitely buying again.